Entries by zadmin

Choosing a Therapist– by Arnold A. Lazarus, Ph.D. & Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D.

Demystifying Psychotherapy and how to Choose a Therapist by Arnold A. Lazarus, Ph.D. & Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D. In recent years there has been considerable change in the mental health marketplace. One of the major shifts has been to make the process of therapy less complicated and less mysterious. Many therapists now regard their work […]

When Love Fades Away– Cupid’s arrow carries a love potion that evaporates with time– by Dr. Tamara Sofair-Fisch

Love, like all emotions, changes and evolves over time. When they first “fall in love,” a couple feels euphoric. Their mutual fascination transforms their most trivial activities into meaningful moments. After one or two years, when the initial euphoria tapers off, couples usually settle into a deeper, more intimate relationship. Sometimes, however, when people sense […]

Perfectionism– by Dr. Marta Aizenman

“What a perfectionist!” We often use this statement to single out those who demand and achieve excellence. Yet true perfectionists are trapped in an unenviable web of contradictions. They appear to pursue excellence but constantly dodge the perception of failure. They seem programmed for success, but their goals elude them. They want praise but reject […]

Choosing a Psychologist– How to choose a psychologist: Shop for one who fits your needs!– by William Alexander, PhD

Emotional problems deserve good care as much as physical ills. Unfortunately, a cultural cloud hangs over psychological issues, preventing some people from seeking professional help. To avoid confronting a problem, people often try to convince themselves that “it isn’t all that serious.” Many, not knowing where to turn, do nothing. Others worry about finding the […]