Entries by zadmin

Uncoupling– by Dr. Marta Aizenman

“In sickness and in health till death do us part.” Couples would like to live up to this or similar vows, and many do. They develop a life together with mutual understanding and respect. While all marriages encounter difficulties, the underlying strong, positive feelings of both partners toward each other make it possible to be […]

Therapy for Couples– by Norbert A. Wetzel

Polly has been restless since her youngest daughter left for college. She has had trouble sleeping and finds she has less patience with her husband Ken. Brandon and Yvonne received news last week that their fifth attempt at in vitro fertilization has failed. Mick lost his job last summer as an industry analyst and has […]

Kids And Divorce– by Dr. Michael R. Plumeri

After 13 years of marriage and four children, John and Mandy have decided that it is in their best interest to seek a divorce. Studies have shown thatchildren are typically the most vulnerable in a separation or divorce situation. What can this couple do to ensure that this life event, while significant, is not also […]

Psychology’s Role in the Workplace Lead to Succeed by by Lawrence K. Straus, Ph.D.

Psychologists have long recognized the importance of work in the hierarchy of human needs. Theodor Reich, a disciple of Freud, once said, “Work and love–these are the basics.” The business world however, is rapidly changing, due to the explosive dawn of the information and technology era. Today, the world of work is now recognizing the […]

Adults Can Help Adolescents Cope with Excessive Anxiety by Dr. Joshua Friedman–

Angela has missed many days of school due to frequent stomach upsets and headaches, but her family physician can’t find a physical explanation for her condition. Randy, a formerly calm child, begins to argue constantly with his family, exploding into tantrums and refusing to talk things through. His grades are suffering, and his teachers report […]

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder by Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco, Ph.D

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (adaa.org), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) affects about 15 million American adults, and 36% of people report symptoms for 10+ years before seeking help. SAD is an extremely heterogeneous condition, and no two people with Social Anxiety Disorder look alike. For example, both an outgoing businesswoman who […]

Eating Disorders and the Holidays by Irene Marie Erckert, Ph.D.

With the holidays quickly approaching, food is at the front and center of every tradition, creating stress for millions of people. Most are already thinking about how much weight they might gain from holiday eating and how they will lose the weight in the New Year. For those suffering from eating disorders, these concerns are […]